Monday, February 20, 2017

My Life at 20: New Year's Resolutions

Hey Ya'll! 

New Year, New things I will try to do and they are listed below!

1. Complete 25 things on my College Bucketlist

2. Get a summer job

3. Apply for scholarships

4. Spend 30 Minutes every morning reading my bible/ praying/ doing a devotion

5. Complete my Capsule Collection

6. Get healthier.... Not sure how but one way or another

how about a 15 mile Hiking Challenge (CHECK)!

7. Become more active (get involved with one more fun club)

8. Start a budget (and stick with it)

9. Figure out how to change a tire

10. Travel somewhere for a weekend trip

11. Learn to Code

12. Learn to make a fancy-ish meal

13. Buy some cute heels

14. Learn how to redo furniture

15. Get a credit score?!

*Check!!! Now to build it up!!

16. Do yoga

17. Be more creative
 -This blog!!
- Also decorating

Stay tuned for a Dorm Tour #2

Here is to a new year and our new selves!!!



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