Monday, October 17, 2016

Top 10 Things to Do Back Home Over Fall Break

1. Eat at Your Favorite Restaurant

Mexican food es my weakness. 

2. Hang out with Friends

They are like fine wine.

3. Craft Something to Make your Dorm More Homey

4. Take Glamor Shots of your favorite places and views

Take nothing for granted

5. Snuggle with your furry Friend

Even though they can't speak it, they have missed you too.

6. Go on a Walk

Appreciate the setting of your childhood

7. Study a bit

... just a tiny bit, or it will lead to a regrettable week after

Keep those good grades up! 

8. Visit with Family

8. Do something to treat yo self

I went to a Concert! 

9. Make goals for the next few weeks and finish out the semester strong

10. Self care. 

Binge watch something fun



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