1. Buy Some New Pens
If you are a stationary Person this can really be a plus, and also encourage you to hit the books! These are my favorite studyblr worthy highlighters!
that feeling when you buy new stationary :)
2. Go to Office Hours
Get to know your professors, and get one on one help! I know many friends who not only passed a difficult class because of office hours but also have someone to write them a nice recommendation! I have heard stories from professors saying that they would've bumped up grades for students if they had gotten to know them...
3. Study Between Classes
I have worked my schedule just like last semester. Having an hour between classes, I was able to review the material from the last class and then it stuck so much better!!
4. Set a Sleep Schedule
All nighters are crazy! You feel so bad the day after, and it takes forever to gain all of that sleep. Set a schedule and then it will work itself out that all nighters are things of the past. Here is a great article to help make a schedule.
5. Treat College like a Nine to Five Job
This is possibly the best piece of advice I have gotten! Study and work from 9 in the morning until 5 at night with a lunch break. It 1. gets you ready for the work place and 2. helps you to maximize your time!
Have a great semester!!
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