Monday, September 5, 2016

My Morning Routine in College

Now that I am a full month into college I have finally set out a routine that has kept me ready for anything that could happen in the day. 

I wake up to one of my favorite songs, Island in the Sun by Weezer (yes, I learned to love it because of Aquamarine, that movie was the bomb dot com). 

(And hitting the snooze button once), I get out of my comfy bed and turn on my music. I have a morning playlist, it starts out slow and then I get in my morning workout by dancing. Yes! I dance, get them endorphins a going and it creates a positive vibe for the rest of the day. Then, I get my breakfast on. A muffin, or some type of fruit usually is goos. I am not a big breakfast person. 

I like to go over all of my emails that I might have gotten over night or in the morning. Checking social media is also a great thing to be doing during this time also. 

Outfit for the day and more dance party, then makeup. I have my makeup routine down to a science! 10 minutes tops.... !

I then go over my notes for the day, skim the material in the books. I find that saying out loud and acting like I am talking to another person helps (I do look like I am crazy but them grades don't lie). I also have had time to think about what I will reply in emails and take time to send those emails about now also.

I head off to class. Being early for those bigger classes almost always guarantees a seat in the front row!

I love my morning routine because it works for me in balancing me time and also academics, or what I am accomplishing that day. 

What does your morning routine look like?? DO you even have one? Let me know in the comments below!



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